Saturday, February 28, 2009

Brain Overload

Today I took an Advanced Digital SLR class through the local camera store...4 hours of ISO, aperture, shutter speed, lens, flash & RAW talk.  Before I went, I was a little nervous that it would be over my head.  However, I knew 95% of what they were talking about & it was good to have a more modern refresher.  And, I bought a 50 mm (prime) lens for taking up close & personal shots of newborns ((and whatever else)).  Very exciting!  Tomorrow, I'm heading up to Seymour to retake the Rockey's maternity pictures, as I mistakenly deleted them off my camera from our last shoot.  Which prompted me to purchase an external hard drive.  So, armed with new techniques, a new lens & more storage space, I'm all set up for picture-taking.  Let the fun begin!

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Name

So, the name of this site is kind of quirky. But, I didn't know what to call it, because my thought was that I would be posting unrelated stuff here (Aryn, my aspiring photography 'business', my alphabetography projects, plus other miscellaneous topics that hit me). My mom & sister have been calling me "J-Bird" since I can remember, so that is kind of an unofficial nickname. And, this blog is going to be a place where I gather (and then post) things that interest me, therefore, a 'nest', if you will. Hey, I tried to be a little creative with it...And, believe it or not, was already taken! Who knew?

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Today is our 4 year anniversary...not a momentous year, but now we have a year to think about how we want to really celebrate our 5th Anniversary, right? Ironically, I forgot to wear my wedding ring today. I'm going to try to watch our wedding highlights video...ahh, but here are some photos I found on my computer to take you back. We really did get lucky that day - it was sunny & in the 50's. Not too bad for February!

I loved my dress...wonder if/when I'll ever get to wear it again... : )

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The First Ever Blog Post!

So, after much internal deliberation and external encouragement, I have decided to try out this blog thing.  Not that I have many exciting things to say, but I am notorious for picture-taking & want to expand my skills even further.  So, this can be my favorite-photos forum.  Of course, I'll post pictures of Aryn on here, as well.  Here goes!