Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crayons & Play-Doh

On a blog I stalk, she mentioned finding still lifes left around the house by her daughter. She posted some of the pictures, which if you saw them, you would probably take them for granted and/or clean them up right away. But, she mentioned that they probably wouldn't be happening for too much longer (I don't know how old her daughter is, she didn't say). It got me to thinking...that is so true. Our children make their presence known in so many ways & why not capture some of those tiny masterpieces. Today, Aryn was coloring & when I went back to check on her, she had done this. It made me think of the "still lifes" post, so I grabbed my camera. Hopefully, I will be getting more of these types of images to show you. Have a great week!

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Friend, Nicole

Hello lovelies - just wanted to say hi & pass along a new blog for my friend, Nicole. She is a very talented abstract artist, who also does commission pieces (check out her horse painting - wowza!). If you know anyone who might be interested in purchasing her artwork, please pass along this information, as well.

You can see some of her work here, too.