Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Quote of the Day

“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” ― Victor Borge

Have a great day, and be sure to laugh a little!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mr. I: Newborn

This little guy must have really liked me, because he just did not want to go to sleep. Sooo, I had to keep holding him. A few different times I employed the 3-Part Calming System (hmm, totally made that one up, but as Barney Stinson would say, "It's gonna be a thing!"). Bouncing up & down, swaying back and forth & patting his bottom simultaneously did do the trick, though. : )

Unfortunately, they are going to be moving soon, so I, along with the rest of our friends, will miss seeing them live and in person. But, hopefully we'll be able to see these two continue to grow via emailed photos, Facebook updates, maybe a new blog??? (you can do it!) and Skype, of course. Love technology!

Wide-eyed little man in the first hour - sleepy guy in the 4th...check out that extra crease in the middle of his bicep. Chubby babies are the best.

Ok, I lied. He must've been resting his eyes for a second in that first hour (seen here). ha ha

For this session, I got to try out some new knits I'd acquired recently from Kara Heichelbech, of Three Strands of Love. Thanks so much!! I love his fingers gripping through the holes. He did that all on his own - too sweet.

And, during one of the baby breaks, big sis', dad & I headed outside to get some photos...such a big girl!

Hope you enjoyed the sneak peek of Mr. I (& Miss A)!