Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Sooo, I don't think I even did a blog post about this little guy's VERY first birthday last year? There was a party, presents & pictures, yes, but a blog post, no. Shoot...  Well, here we go. Some of the highlights from his life as a new 2 year old!

This kid LOVES the idea of dogs, but actually HATES them in real life. We got him started on the breathing treatments again this October, but were so relieved when the Pediatrician told us she was going to prescribe a chewable Singulair pill instead! Whew!

Such a happy kid, who definitely keeps us on our toes!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Her Golden Birthday

So many memories for this one! Miss A started her last year of pre-school, turned 5 & started playing soccer all in the same week. There were other activities we squeezed in, but I'm going to have to do another blog for those. Thanks for checking in!

*Click to see these larger.
Such a character...

The birthday celebration that lasted a week, and included dinner out (actually going into the restaurant!), a trip to the movie theater to see "Brave", frozen yogurt, treats for school, and a birthday party with our family.
And, now that she's five, she thinks she must pick out her clothes every day...I believe the exact quote for the above outfit was, "Ooh, this looks awesome with the tiara!" Many of the teachers did ask her if she picked out her clothes that day. ha ha She is gaining independence, for sure. Her favorite part of soccer is the running. Although, she seems to enjoy being the goalie. Regular defense, not so much. And, I'm sure she is pretty partial to the hot pink Umbros.
Next up - Mr. C. is featured.